Vast Experience.Fresh Perspectives.Grounded Takes.
AIHO's experience in providing public health consultancy and technical assistance services reflects its understanding of Philippine public health leandscape, its competence and, more importantly, its values.

We work with different partners.
Philippine Local Health Systems#
- Assessment of Readiness of BARMM Ministry of Health in the Management of DOH Hospitals
- Localization of Department of Health - Human Resources for Health Masterplan 2020-2040
- End-Stage Evaluation of the Integrated People-Centered Eye Care Project
- Facilitation of Lakbay-Aral and Operational Action Planning on Eye Health Systems Strengthening and Integration (EHSSI) Project
- Program Implementation Review of the National Vision Screening Program in Quezon, Antique, Oriental Mindoro, and Negros Oriental
- Designing a Results-Oriented Training Design for Cancer Patient Navigators in the Philippines
- Electronic logistics management information system (eLMIS) operations research (OR): development of implementation roadmaps for Local Government Units (LGUs)
- Philippines: a primary health care case study in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Pilot Run and Finalization of Training Materials of the Basic Concepts in Local Health Systems Course for ZFF Staff Formation Program
- Basic Concepts in Local Health Systems Course for ZFF Staff Formation Program
- Testing Remote and Hybrid Monitoring and Evaluation Activities of the USAID Health Project in the Philippines
- Barangay Leadership and Management Program Module 2 with Barangay Health Emergency Services Training of Trainers Guide
- Technical Assistance for the Assessment for Cancer Registries and Development of Guidelines for Strengthening Population-Based and Hospital-Based Cancer Registries
- Designing a Harmonized Cancer Patient Navigation Program for the Philippines
- Michael Caampued
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso
- Aileen Riel-Espina
- Zhamir Umag
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Jana Deborah Mier-Alpaño
- Heidee Exconde-Buenaventura
- Ellen Licup-Medina
- Paolo Medina
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Jacqueline Frances Momville
- Katrina Gomez-Chua
- Donna Isabel Capili
- Jeriel de Silos
- Marvinson Fajardo
- Miguel Manuel Dorotan
Health Financing, Health Economics, and Health Technology Assessment#
- Landscape Analysis of Philhealth's No-Balance Billing Policy
- Philhealth Share Ratio Project
- Development of the HTA Methods Guide for Assessing Health Technologies for Preventive and Promotive Health
- The Economic Burden of Tobacco-related Diseases in the Philippines
- Assessment of the Service Capability and Readiness of Philippine Hospitals to Provide High Quality Health Care
- Strengthening PhilHealth’s Capacity to Incentivize Quality in Primary Care
- Michael Caampued
- Christian Edward Nuevo
- Precious Juzenda Montilla
- Denese De Guzman
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Diana Bayani
- Patrick Encarnacion
- Diana Orolfo
- Dante Salvador Jr.
Private Sector Engagement in Public Health#
- Engaging Private Sector in the Tuberculosis Program through Third Party-Operated Hospital DOTS Clinics
- Engaging Private Konsulta Providers in the TB Program
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso,
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Aileen Riel-Espina,
- Ma. Via Jucille Galban
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management#
- Technical Assistance in the Development of the Philippine Public Health Emergency Operations Center (PHEOC) Guidebook
- Technical Assistance for the Development of the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in Health (DRRM-H) Plan
- Technical Support on the Development for the Pandemic Response Playbook
- Rapid Assessment of Health Information Systems towards Pandemic Resiliency and UHC in Two Provinces
- Miguel Manuel Dorotan
- Aileen Riel-Espina
- Miguel Salazar
- Jemar Ann Sigua
- Rafael Deo Estanislao
Climate Change and Health#
- Developing climate change and health research priorities together with local community stakeholders in the Philippines
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso
- Rafael Deo Estanislao
- Jemar Ann Sigua
- Miguel Salazar
- Miguel Manuel Dorotan
- Gisela Orinion
One Health and Health Security#
- Re-imagining Health Security in the Philippines: Development of Frameworks and Tools in Aid of Creating and Implementing a Health Security Plan
- Intersectionalities of gender, social disparities and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the Philippines: a scoping review and research gap analysis from a
health policy and systems research perspective - Development of Case Studies on COVID-19
- Miguel Salazar
- Miguel Manuel Dorotan
- Janah Deborah Mier-Alpaño
- Reneepearl Kim Sales
Strategic Planning and Management#
- Strategic Planning for Hospice Philippines
- Strategic Planning for the Rare Disease Program of the Philippines
- Unilab Foundation's Project Kaakbay
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso
- Aileen Riel-Espina
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Heidee Exconde-Buenaventura
- Ellen Licup-Medina
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Jana Deborah Mier-Alpaño
- Ma. Via Jucille Galban
- Zhamir Umag
- Miguel Manuel Dorotan
Research Priority Setting#
- Development of the HIV Research Agenda 2024-2028
- Evaluation of the 2017-2022 National Unified Health Research Agenda
- Development of the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) 2022-2028
- Development of the National Unified Health Research Agenda (NUHRA) 2019-2022
- Forum for Advancing Better Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions Phase 1
- Forum for Advancing Better Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions Phase 2: Enabling a stronger HPSR ecosystem through the enhancement of communication, dissemination, and fundraising efforts
- Reneepearl Kim Sales
- Lester Sam Geroy
- Miguel Manuel Dorotan
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Harvy Joy Liwanag
- Chiqui de Veyra
Health Policy and Health Regulations#
- Baseline Survey of Select National Objectives for Health 2017-2022 Indicators
- Hospital Regulations Framework
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Jemar Ann Sigua
- Reneepearl Kim Sales
Health Promotions#
- Assessing the COVID-19 Vaccination Needs of Selected Municipalities and Cities in Mindanao
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Alfred Ballesteros
- Reneepearl Kim Sales
- Lynell Ong
- Modeling Community-Based or civil society organization engagement as part of an Operational Province-Wide or City-Wide Primary Care Provider Network for Integrated TB-HIV Care
- Demonstration of Engagement of Private Konsulta Facilities in the TB Program
- Engagement of the Private Sector in the TB program through Third Party-Operated Hospital TB Clinics
- Technical Report Writing, Statistical Results Interpretation, and Synthesis of survey data for the 3rd Philippine TB Drug Resistance Survey (DRS3)
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Zhamir Umag
- Jana Deborah Mier-Alpaño
- Development of Philippine National AIDS Council - HIV Research Agenda 2024-2028
- Local Government Financing for HIV
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Jana Deborah Mier-Alpaño
- Chiqui de Veyra
Maternal and Child Health#
- Development of Clinical Support Tool for Department of Health Omnibus Health Guidelines for Children and Adolescents
- Review of Health Financing for Selected Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn and Child Health Services in the Philippines
- Addressing the Determinants of Stunting in the First 1000 Days
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso
- Donna Ysabel Capili
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Maria Asuncion Silvestre
Mental Health and Substance Use#
- Launch of the Reports on Compulsory Drug Treatment and Rehabilitation in East and Southeast Asia with High-Level Stakeholders Meeting & Round-Table Discussions
- Development of a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework and Baseline Report for WHO Special Initiative for Mental Health in the Philippines
- Technical Assistance in the Development of National Suicide Prevention Strategy: Surveillance Systems for Suicide Attempts and Self Harm
- Lee Edson Yarcia
- Paula Melizza Valera
- Caroline Mae Ramirez
- Raymond John Naguit
Qualitative Research#
- Impact evaluation of a Timed and Targeted Care for Families (ttCF) program on child health and nutrition in the Eastern Visayas of the Philippines
- Jeriel de Silos
- Katherine Ann Reyes
- Romelei Camiling-Alfonso
- Miko Balisi
Social Media in Healthcare#
- Support to Conduct the Infodemic Management: Social Media, The Infodemic, and Science Communication
- Iris Thiele Isip-Tan
- Jaifred Christian Lopez
- Alberto Ong Jr.
Public Health Event Management#
- Support to Conduct the Infodemic Management: Social Media, The Infodemic, and Science Communication
- Alberto Ong Jr.
- Reneepearl Kim Sales
- Ted Dizon
- Margaret Golpe
- Winlove Mojica